Friday, June 27, 2008

One thing at a time

April 24, 2003

The SWEEP Schools directory and database are almost complete… I’m almost there. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go to the GK Housebuild in Gen. Nakar Quezon since I will finish the directory and database and tomorrow’s the deadline. I am really looking forward to have another GK Housebuild experience but I also have to consider my other important tasks. I think that's a good lesson to learn- to focus on one thing and to know what to prioritize to. There may be some task that may intervene along the way. There are also instances which challenge a person to have multi- tasks, which is also good because he/ she can practice his/ her managerial skills as well as to balance the time and tasks. But doing and prioritizing things one at a time would be helpful too because it will give the person more focus on his/ work.

Who knows? There may be a lot of GK Housebuilds to come…. and when that time comes, I hope I am available. Elline will take charge since I am not going to Gen. Nakar to assist Sir Aj. What I need to focus on tomorrow is the SWEEP Schools directory and database and finish them. Go GO GO!

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